Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Back to School

Yesterday was Aidan's first day of First Grade. He was so excited! Not a single nerve in this boy! Ace could hardly wait to get out of the door! He wanted to dress "to make the girls fall down." The first thing that he said when he got home was, "Mom, the food was GREAT!" I wonder how he will feel about school lunch in a couple of weeks. But he really liked his teacher, Mrs. Eckman, and they had a practice lock down too, which really made an impression on him-he thought it was so cool, except he had to go to the bathroom and they wouldn't let him leave the room. It was amazing, he just talked and talked about how his day went. I didn't have to ask for any information! Wyatt missed him a lot. He kept saying, "Where's Aidan?" I would say, "School." And then Wyatt would say, "Oh, school," like it was a dirty word. Aidan was excited to go back today too. Aidan also made a new friend, Carter. I hope he cultivates some new friendships-I am so excited to see him branch out.
I can't believe that I have a 1st grader! But I am so excited to see him growing and learning. I love the person that he is becoming. Good luck in 1st grade Ace!

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