Monday, September 6, 2010

My Labor Days

So, I really don't know exactly why we celebrate Labor Day. I am sorry. But I don't. And we didn't do a thing noteworthy today either. But every time I think of "labor day" I think back to my labors, and since I have seen several other blog posts about this, I am going to copy them and record some of my memories of my "labors."
Aidan-August 9-I was induced at 9 AM and had Ace at 3:50 PM. Nothing really noteworthy about this one. It went really quite easily (for giving birth). My mother in law brought me hair clips and Jeremy a candy bar (that most likely I ate) and she told me jokes while I was in labor.I remember that "Friends" was on right when I delivered. And that I was really hot and sweaty afterward, and they brought me a fan to cool off. Also, the hospital had amazing crossoint sandwiches and we watched "Top Gun" together that night as a family. All the doctors thought that he was one of the most beautiful babies that they had seen.
Wyatt-March 8-We were house hunting when I went into labor with Wyatt. Just running around town, going to all the open houses when I started noticing that my contractions were getting really close together and really painful. I remember being scared every time a contraction stopped, because I felt fine and I was scared I wouldn't have another one and it was just false labor. But no, I went into the hospital at 1 PM and had WyGuy at 5 PM. And the whole time I was scared that they were going to send me home saying it was false labor. Mom was also in delivery with me and that was pretty special. I was shocked to see Wyatt's hair. It was long and full, but dark blonde! I had never seen that color of hair on a newborn before. After, I was so shaky (from the epidural) that I was scared to hold him because I thought I might drop him. They also brought me lots of food after his delivery. It was quite tasty. I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast. I felt really good, except my arms and legs were sore from pushing. I thought that was weird. We had lots of visitors that night too.
Lydia-February 21-We did not have a name before I had Lydia. We had some narrowed down, but we were waiting until she was born to officially name her. I woke up with contractions at 4:30 AM and started timing them, but they were really super random, but they HURT! So, I woke up Jeremy, took the boys to Mom and Dad's and got to the hospital at 6 AM. They kept telling me that I probably couldn't have an epidural because I was too far along, and I kept telling myself that, "It doesn't really hurt, it doesn't really hurt" and everyone laughed at me. I had Lydia at 6:29 AM, and the second the doctor placed her on my chest, Jeremy and I looked at each other and said, "Her name is Lydia." I felt so good after having Liddy. Everyone who visited me that day was amazed that I was up and showered and dressed. With Lydia, it was the first night that Jeremy didn't stay overnight with me in the hospital, so Liddy and I slept together in the rocking armchair that was in my room (way more comfortable than the bed!) The nurses thought she was so beautiful and kept making hair bows for her. We left the hospital with 12!
That is my long winded story of my labors. I am so lucky to have such easy ones. And now I am glad that I have these written down somewhere so I don't forget. These were the details that I wanted to remember and pass on.

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