Monday, February 7, 2011

Slipping Through My Fingers. . .

Where is the time going with my sweet baby girl? She will be 2 in just 2 more weeks! Liddy Lou is definately not a baby anymore. She has turned into a little girl. Just now, I was working on some homework while listening to my iTunes and the Abba song "Slipping Through My Fingers" came on and Lydia crawled into my lap and gave me her customary kisses and hugs and just snuggled against me. I make it policy that when my kids crawl into my lap, that I stop and give them my undivided attention for a few minutes. So I stopped what I was doing, put my arms around her and listened to the song.

"Sometimes I wish that I could freeze the picture and save it from the funny tricks of time."

That lyric came on, and she had decided that she had enough and wiggled down. Before she left my room, she pointed to her eyes, then crossed her arms over her chest, and pointed at me, and grinned. It is the way we taught her to say "I Love You." That picture will be forever saved in my mind. I love you too, my darling sweetheart.


  1. Happy Birthday to your sweet little girl! My baby girl turns two in 2 days. :)
