The Walk by Richard Paul Evans
In the space of 6 weeks, Alan Christoffersen literally loses everything. He wants to end his life, but instead, he decides to walk. To Key West, Florida. The furthest place in the continential USA from where he stands. The people he encounters along the way, and the lessons they share, will save his life.
I love Richard Paul Evans books. They are easy reads, and usually very inspiring. This one was no different. Al's situation had me in tears at several points and I really felt for him. I have never felt the kind of loss and tragedy and betrayal that he had, but I felt like I was right next to him on his journey. The tinest little part of me even wanted to tie on some hiking boots and head for Florida myself. Best of all, The Walk isn't finished. The rest of the trip will be continued in April 2011! (I love sequels!)