Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Of course, as part of any Independence Day celebration, you must include fireworks. And there are no better fireworks around than the Meleulca Freedom Celebration on the greenbelt. This year, we went with Andrea and Darin (and kids) and Josh and Ellie (and kids). Josh found us a great spot right on the river to enjoy them. Of course, that meant that the kids wanted to be right next to the river the whole time! Wyatt, Ashley, Aidan, Jeremy, Izzy, Josh and George are all in this picture. Next to us, were a couple with 2 cute dogs. Lydia kept walking to them and playing. The dogs would also lick off the frosting on her face. The whole group of us. 6 adults, 9 kids, 3 strollers, several camp chairs and lots of blankets. Around 9:30 it started getting cold and we need to bundle the kids up a bit. Here, Jeremy is fighting Lydia trying to get her socks on. (By the way, I totally made her bow. I am pretty proud of it!)
My sweet little family waiting for the display. This was literally seconds before it started. The kids did well. They weren't scared or anything. Aidan was pretty awed-he thought they were pretty cool. He said his favorite was the finale. Wyatt got bored, but that is okay. Lydia was memserized-and kept oooing and ahhing.

We also did fireworks at home the next day with Grandma and Grandpa and Aunt JuJu and Uncle Neil. It was way colder (there is just something wrong about having to wear jackets, long pants and blankets on July 4!) but we still had popcicles and ice cream sandwiches. It was a fantastic weekend full of family and fun. And fireworks. And food (2 BBQ's with wonderful spreads-yum!).

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