Sunday, May 16, 2010

When it Rains, It Pours!

We have had a rough 10 days or so. You don't really have to read this, but I just had to write it down so I could believe it!
It all started last Tuesday, when the kids and I were at McDonald's playing. Some older kids (8 or 9ish) started picking on Wyatt! Anyway, in the midst off all of that, he got a nice cut above his eye. (I wish I had a picture-it was a beauty.) It should have had stitches, but I thought it would be okay. I should have taken him in for stitches-it got infected. It is all good now, and chicks dig scars, right? He has also come to me with all sorts of random bumps, bruises, cuts and scrapes.
We also need to schedule some kidney tests for him in the very near future.
The next day, I took Lydia in for her 14 month shots. She had a CRAZY reaction to the MMR, and less than 3 hours after receiving the immunization, her face was covered in red spots and then she developed hives all over the rest of her body (I wish I had pictures of this too-it was crazy! She didn't even look like Lydia!). She was miserable and itchy, but Benedryl took care of it in a few days. Just as her body was getting rid of the reaction, she caught strep throat and was even more miserable! One night, we ended up taking her in to the ER. She had a fever of 108 and she couldn't breathe. (She has been in the ER twice in her life, yet my very active little boys have never been-go figure.) Miss Liddy got some antibiotics (she is allergic to several kinds, so we have to be careful which ones we give her) and lots of Motrin/Tylenol. She finally started to feel better. During all of this, she has also cut 4 teeth. Poor sweet little girl! She has been seriously doped up on drugs. Now she is really clingy, because we have been holding her for almost 2 weeks straight! Hopefully she grows out of that soon. My arms are getting tired.
And now Aidan. He had a double ear infection. It turns out that he has some issues with his ear anatomy that is affecting his hearing and we need to see an ENT for some surgery in the near future.
On top of all that, our dryer stopped working, I cut the bottom of my foot and Jeremy has worked about 65 hours a week! I am tired. I sure hope that things slow down for us. I find absolutely nothing wrong with being nice and bored.

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!! You need a break girl! Prayers sent your way for a boring couple of weeks!
